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Swoopos offers a complete range of software and hardware solutions that can be adapted to any hospitality or retail business, no matter how big or small your business is.

£19.99 /pm+VAT £39.99 /pm+VAT £69.99 /pm+VAT £129.99 /pm+VAT £199 /pm+VAT
POS Software
Hardware - -
Food Ordering Integrations
  • Uber Eats
  • deliveroo
  • Just Eat
  • Delivery Hero
- - -
Starter Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports
Full Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports, Customer data, stock control, tier pricing -
Customer support
Staff Training (remote)
Menu Setup Up to 50 products Up to 100 products Up to 150 products Unlimited Unlimited
Online Table Bookings & Mobile Table Ordering -
Added to Swoope Local Web Platform & App for Mobile Ordering - -
Custom Branded Android & iOS App & Website - - - -
Promotional Materials -
£19.99 /pm+VAT
POS Software
Hardware -
Food Ordering Integrations
  • Uber Eats
  • deliveroo
  • Just Eat
  • Delivery Hero
Starter Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports
Full Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports, Customer data, stock control, tier pricing -
Customer support
Staff Training (remote)
Menu Setup Up to 50 products
Online Table Bookings & Mobile Table Ordering -
Added to Swoope Local Web Platform & App for Mobile Ordering -
Custom Branded Android & iOS App & Website -
Promotional Materials -
£39.99 /pm+VAT
POS Software
Hardware -
Food Ordering Integrations
  • Uber Eats
  • deliveroo
  • Just Eat
  • Delivery Hero
Starter Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports
Full Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports, Customer data, stock control, tier pricing
Customer support
Staff Training (remote)
Menu Setup Up to 100 products
Online Table Bookings & Mobile Table Ordering
Added to Swoope Local Web Platform & App for Mobile Ordering
Custom Branded Android & iOS App & Website -
Promotional Materials
£69.99 /pm+VAT
POS Software
Food Ordering Integrations
  • Uber Eats
  • deliveroo
  • Just Eat
  • Delivery Hero
Starter Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports
Full Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports, Customer data, stock control, tier pricing
Customer support
Staff Training (remote)
Menu Setup Up to 150 products
Online Table Bookings & Mobile Table Ordering
Added to Swoope Local Web Platform & App for Mobile Ordering
Custom Branded Android & iOS App & Website -
Promotional Materials
£129.99 /pm+VAT
POS Software
Food Ordering Integrations
  • Uber Eats
  • deliveroo
  • Just Eat
  • Delivery Hero
Starter Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports
Full Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports, Customer data, stock control, tier pricing
Customer support
Staff Training (remote)
Menu Setup Unlimited
Online Table Bookings & Mobile Table Ordering
Added to Swoope Local Web Platform & App for Mobile Ordering
Custom Branded Android & iOS App & Website -
Promotional Materials
£199 /pm+VAT
POS Software
Food Ordering Integrations
  • Uber Eats
  • deliveroo
  • Just Eat
  • Delivery Hero
Starter Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports
Full Analytics Revenue, inventory, sales reports, Customer data, stock control, tier pricing
Customer support
Staff Training (remote)
Menu Setup Unlimited
Online Table Bookings & Mobile Table Ordering
Added to Swoope Local Web Platform & App for Mobile Ordering -
Custom Branded Android & iOS App & Website
Promotional Materials

An indicative quote for accepting card payments

This summary shows our charges for card payments, and other important information about our service. You can use this to compare our service with other providers, to find the best deal for you. We are required to provide this information by the Payment Systems Regulator.

Quick, easy and transparent way to see indicative charges for accepting card payments
This quote is based on the answers you've given and is only indicative.

Business turnover

Total card acceptance in previous 12 months. For New to Cards businesses, estimate the card acceptance
turnover you would expect in the next 12 months

Business average transaction value

For New to Cards businesses, provide average projected transaction value.

Business Sector (Category)*

*Should your area of business not be listed as an option, please contact us separately on 0121 368 8300 to discuss your requirements.

Extras & Upgrades


£19.99/pm + VAT

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£7/pm + VAT

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Integrated with POS

Card Terminal
Integrated with POS

£19.99/pm + VAT +0.6% transaction rates (T&Cs Apply)

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£7/pm + VAT

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£30/pm + VAT

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Need multiple tills?

Call: +44 (0) 121 368 8300

All packages come with free upgrades on software and online support.